
The Problem with Strategic Initiatives

Most strategic initiatives are trying to solve (perceived) company problems. And that’s the problem right here. Company problems (usually fueled by paranoia) are NOT customer problems. This lack of alignment is the fundamental strategical error that leads to all sort of tactical blunders. The root cause is the fear of missing out. It is caused or accentuated by managers leading by looking in the rear mirror and getting freaked out by competitors moves or new tech trends.

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What is strategy, and why should you care?

What is strategy, and why should you care?

Strategy. The adjective you use to make everything sound like it was based on serious research. You know, unlike the rest of the stuff that you come up without working them neurons. Let's take "directions" for example. By itself is a rather void  and boring word. Put strategy before it ….. and boom …. You get "strategic directions". Such a more inquiry-free language. It works with a lot of words: goals, plans, objectives, initiatives, organization etc. Pretty much anything. It's magic. Just like bacon. Makes everything better. 

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Why Setting Priorities is Hard

Why Setting Priorities is Hard

We all deal with priorities and goal setting in our personal or professional life. And I recently realized that if you have problems  in picking and sticking with a list of priorities you don't have a priorities or a goal-setting problem. Most probably you have a strategy problem. Strategy details how a team will use the power available to the them to exercise control over sets of circumstances to achieve certain objectives.  Once that is decided the priorities become pretty clear.

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3 Things I Came to Understand about Strategy

3 Things I Came to Understand about Strategy

How come we always make a strategy and then something else happens?  Would we better off without any strategy since nothing we do seems to work? What is a strategy after-all?  - All questions I was asking myself during sleepless nights or during discussions with my colleagues. I knew the difference between strategy and tactic but somehow this "strategy" concept was one that I didn't fully use. Clearly I didn’t understand it completely.

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